SCIENZECITTADINANZA.ORG - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza
LSC - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza



Over the last few years the Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza (LSC) has focused on scientific project designing. This is a complex activity conducted in order to make some important demands for knowledge become the object of initiatives of practicable research – that is, supported by adequate human and economic resources, and that can influence the research and policymaking agenda. This idea of integrated project designing is linked to the LSC’s approach to scientific research and ties in with the policies launched by the European Union starting from the Lisbon Strategy.

The LSC has thus devised an "integrated system of scientific project designing" which includes the following elements:
  • The scientific design applied by the LSC for project-designing, both in scientific and technological research (also within the 6th and 7th Framework Programme) and in research on contemporary societies.
  • The operational project-designing of research activities which are the object of funding, and the administrative and scientific management of the implementation of these activities.
  • Scientific mediation activity, which involves connecting and coordinating the various science actors among themselves and also in relation to subjects such as enterprises, administrative authorities and society as a whole; mediation thus includes functions such as management, communication, dissemination and public relations.

By applying the "integrated system of scientific project designing", the LSC has carried out, or is conducting, project-designing activities on themes like: international migrations; scientific and technological research in emerging and developing countries, including the issues of technological responsibility; health; environment and sustainable development; energy; the quality transport; the relationship between the city and social inclusion; knowledge management; educational project designing. Moreover, the LSC has recently conducted an action-research project on the critical analysis of project-designing in Europe, and has also carried out a training course on this theme.


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