SCIENZECITTADINANZA.ORG - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza
LSC - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza



European Synthesis is a self-financed e-magazine aimed to interpret the various (often little known) levels of the European unification process, against stereotyping and going beyond an approach focused only on the institutional dimension. The e-magazine was published in the years which saw the conclusion the European Union enlargement process, in order to grasp the link with the broader process of European integration.

This cultural and communication operation was aimed at the representatives of science, politics and the non-profit sector; exponents of international organisations; officials of the European Commission and of national, regional and local administrations; exponents of trade unions and enterprises; professionals; LSC interlocutors in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

European Synthesis has dealt with themes such as: the dynamics of convergence – or resistance – towards the European unification process; the representations on Europe produced outside the continent, the ones that Europe has produced regarding the rest of the world and the ones that Europeans construct on themselves; the bonds of interdependence between Europe and the rest of the world. Moreover, the e-magazine dealt with the difficulties faced by women in Europe in reaching leadership positions, with citizenship and citizens’ powers, and with European identity.

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