SCIENZECITTADINANZA.ORG - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza
LSC - Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza



The MINET project coordinates a series of research activities within what is called Measuring the Impossible (MtI). It is a matter of measuring phenomena defined as “holistic” and “multidimensional”, such as those concerning the emotions, perception, the quality of services, biometrics, psychometrics, chemometrics, aesthetics, and others.

MINET has the following aims:

1. Increasing the productivity of MtI projects through the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge on complex measurement, creative interaction and cooperation between scientists.
2. Starting up the integration of a broader community of advanced science of complex measurement in every field it can be applied in.
3. Favouring a deeper and broader understanding, in the various disciplines, of the measurement concept and its implications in the various fields of application.
4. Improving European scientific competitiveness by developing advanced interdisciplinary expertise and new themes for the next MtI projects.

These objectives are pursued through networking, scientific communication, discussion and training activities.

Within this project, the LSC brought the contribution of measurement in the social sciences field and presented its specific research experiences on the measurement of complex social phenomena, such as the quality of services and immigrants’ integration.
LSC was the organiser in October 2008 of the second workshop and of the Think Tank C of the project:
- download the programme of the workshop
- download the programme of the think tank
- download the LSC presentation at the workshop
- download the LSC paper at the workshop
- download the outline for discussion of the think tank
- for the other Minet documents use the web-site


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